The Gordon Lightfoot song, "The
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" contains a line,
the storms of November come early..."
They did October 16th this year!
The waves produced some of the largest clouds of spray that
this photographer has ever seen thrown up at St Joseph! What
a thrill to be able to photograph it!
I also had the privledge of
being invited to contribute this wave animation for use in
a television special on the History Channel that aired nationally
for the first time on Friday, November 25th. The program
one of a series of five programs done by Actuality Productions;
the production in which this animation was incorporated was
"The Big Build - Lighthouse."

Click the image above
to load a 19 frame animation of one of these huge waves hitting
the pier!

Click the image above
to load a 20 frame animation of another of these huge waves
hitting the pier! The small 20 frarme file is about 1.7 Mbytes.