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Every fall, and again in the spring, storms sweep across Lake Michigan slamming into the piers that jut out into the lake from the eastern shore. Depending on the direction of the winds, there are sometimes large waves driven directly into the piers, battering the lighthouses that stand astride them, and producing spectacular displays of billowing spray. From late October through December 2004, the wind direction favored large waves slamming into the pier at South Haven. These images chronicle several of those storms...

"October's Fury" - A triptych showing one large wave and the cloud of spray it threw up whipped toward shore by gale force winds Halloween weekend.

"Early December Gale" - A triptych shot the first weekend of December during a brief period when the sun came out providing a dazzling display of Mother Nature's ferocity.

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All images are Copyrighted by Gary Martin, 1996-2005. No images can be downloaded or used for any purpose without premission in writing from the copyright holder.