This lettered version of the Ohio Lighthouse Mosaic will allow you to identify all of the lighthouses that comprise the mosaic.
A) Fairport west breakwater lighthouse J) Marblehead lighthouse in winter T) Toledo Harbor lighthouse B) Lorain harbor lighthouse K) Cedar Island lighthouse U) Cornerstone, Fairport Harbor lighthouse C) Lorain outer breakwater lighthouse
L) Cleveland east breakwater lighthouse V) Fairport Harbor west breakwater lighthouse D) Toledo Harbor lighthouse lantern room M) Door to the Port Clinton lighthouse W) Ashtabula Lighthouse E) Fairport Harbor lighthouse N) Lorain harbor lighthouse X) Cleveland west breakwater lighthouse
F) Marblehead lighthouse O) Iron work, Marblehead lighthouse Y) Lorain harbor lighthouse G) Cedar Point lighthouse P) Lorain harbor lighthouse at dawn Ring billed gull (left center)H) Port Clinton lighthouse Q) Cast iron stair treads, Marblehead lighthouse Self-unloader Maumee on the horizonI) Ruins of the Turtle Island lighthouse R) Vermilion lighthouse Coastal Ohio Trail sign near Fairport, Ohio
All images are Copyrighted by Gary Martin, 1996-2008. No images can be downloaded or used for any purpose without premission in writing from the copyright holder.