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Coastal Beacons

Gary Martin Photography

Ordering Screensaver CD's

Various gropus of my lighthouse photographs are available as screensaver collections. The images contained in these screensaver collections are high quality BMP or TIFF format files. Some are uniformly sized; other collections are randomly sized and intended to be displayed at random locations on your computer screen to prevent burnin. Collections range in number from 20 to over 50 images. Screensaver software is provided with the collections that is capable of displaying random sized images on your PC screen or resizing images to fill your computer screen as you prefer.* Collections are priced from $16.95 to $29.95 depending on the number of photos contained on the CD + $5 shipping and handling on orders of less than $50.

Screensaver Slide Show Demos

Pay for screensaver CD's using your verified account or credit card via PayPal!

Official PayPal Seal

If you have any questions or problems placing an order: Contact Me

Collections now available include:

Southwest Michigan Lighthouses

#CD-MI-01 $19.95

A collection of 28 high quality photos of southwest Michigan lighthouses from the the southernmost St Joseph north pier inner and outer lights to Point Betsie to the north. Each BMP-format image is sized to 600x800 pixels to fill the average computer screen. The screensaver program gPhotoShow is included on the disc, which will allow you to set up your computer to randomly cycle through the collection of photos on this disk, and you can also add your own photos!

(Works with Windows operating systems and requires approx. 25 Mbytes of free hard drive space. Installation instructions are included on the CD.)



Wisconsin Lighthouses

#CD-WI-01 $29.95


A larger collection of 54 high quality photos of Wisconsin lighthouses on Lake Michigan from the Windpoint lighthouse to the south to Pottawattamie lighthouse at the northernmost tip of Door County. The BMP-format photos in this collection are ramdomly sized and intended to be displaed in random order and locations on your computer screen by the screensaver program gPhotoShow provided on the CD. You can also add your own lighthouse or other photos to this collection too!

(Works with Windows operating systems and requires approx. 40 Mbytes of free hard drive space. Installation instructions are included on the CD.)



Lighthouses on Michigan's Stormy Side

#CD-MI-02 $24.95


A larger collection of 40 high quality photos of the lighthouses on Lake Michigan in stormy and gale conditions. The BMP-format photos in this collection are ramdomly sized and intended to be displaed in random order and locations on your computer screen by the screensaver program gPhotoShow provided on the CD. You can add your own lighthouse or other photos to this collection too!

(Works with Windows operating systems and requires approx. 25 Mbytes of free hard drive space. Installation instructions are included on the CD.)



Postcards from Lake Michigan

#CD-MI-03 $16.95

A collection of 20 high quality photos of the lighthouses on Lake Michigan. The BMP-format photos in this collection are all sized at 800 x 600 and intended to be displaed in random order, filling your computer screen by the screensaver program gPhotoShow provided on the CD. You can add your own lighthouse or other photos to this collection too!


(Works with Windows operating systems and requires approx. 25 Mbytes of free hard drive space. Installation instructions are included on the CD.)

This item is also a demo is playable from this page and is an assortment of photos from all three of the above screensaver CD's. The demo version however, will show the images but they are presized for efficient web presentation and will not fill your computer screen as do the images on the CD.


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* Sorry, software is not presently available to display these images on a MAC.





All images are Copyrighted by Gary Martin, 1996-2002. No images can be downloaded or used for any purpose without premission in writing from the copyright holder.