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Situated on the eastern US side of the mouth of the entrance to the St Lawrence River, the lighthouse at Tibbetts Point has guided mariners into the river since 1827.  When first lighted, the lighthouse exhibited light from 10 lamps in reflectors from the octagonal lantern room of the lighthouse.  By 1838 updates were needed.  In 1852, following the receipt of numerous petitions, the Lighthouse Board appropriated money for the construction of the current 69 foot tower.  The present fog signal building went into service for the shipping season of 1897.  The USCG operated Tibbetts Point lighthouse until 1939.  The lighthouse was automated in 1981.  The buildings on the site were opened as a youth hostel in 1984 and the lighthouse was acquired by the town of Cape Vincent in 1991.  The Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Society maintains the grounds and added a visitor's center in 1993 that is staffed by members of the Society.  The fog signal building was reopened to the public in 1998.











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All images are Copyrighted by Gary Martin, 1996-2008. No images can be downloaded or used for any purpose without premission in writing from the copyright holder.