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The Plum Island lighthouse was constructed in 1827 and rebuilt in 1869 in the same style as the Old Field and Block Island North lights. In 1997, the genrator house fell into the sea as a result of erosion and government neglect. In 2000 the USLHS began efforts to save the lighthouse and began stabilizing the eroding bluff beneath the lighthouse with rocks.


Plum Island lighthouse photographed from Orient Point at a focal length of 1500 mm. The image is full frame and has not been cropped. A fisherman in a wetsuit was standing atop one of the rocks in Plum Gut fishing. For comparison, the top photo was shot at a focal length of 450 mm.




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All images are Copyrighted by Gary Martin, 1996-2005. No images can be downloaded or used for any purpose without premission in writing from the copyright holder.